Revitalize Delton Community Input Survey
We want to hear from all members of this community to best guide the direction of this project. We want to know why you love Delton, why you want to stay, as well as what areas of the community you would like to see grow. This survey is completely anonymous and optional, please feel free to be candid and honest.

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What do you like the most about Delton? 

What do you want to see stay the same in this community?
What sorts of new businesses would you like to see open in the area?
When you think about your community, what are the most valuable assets to have available to residents?
What sorts of after-school programs would you like to see available?
What, if anything, do you think is hindering the growth of our town?
What are things you would like to see available for our children, outside of the school, in the community?
What are the top things you look for in the school when considering a move into a new community? 
Please share with us any feedback or ideas that you have not addressed already. 
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